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Taking Quilt Study into the Future

As a member-supported organization, the American Quilt Study Group (AQSG) connects quilt enthusiasts through research and community. We study, collect, and enjoy textiles ranging from the earliest quilt fragments to studio art and modern quilts as we discover the history, the story, and the meaning of quilts across time.



The American Quilt Study Group establishes and promotes the highest standards for interdisciplinary quilt-related studies, providing opportunities for study, research, and the publication of works that advance the knowledge of quilts and related subjects.


The American Quilt Study Group (AQSG) is one of the oldest and largest member organizations in the world dedicated to quilt-related studies. AQSG was founded in 1980 by Sally Garoutte. After the first annual seminar, Sally stated, "It was obvious by the end of the weekend that there is much yet to study. . . in the history of quilts, textiles and women..."

Clearly Sally was right - today AQSG has over 800 members from around the globe who share a curiosity and passion for learning about quilts and their makers.


Diversity and Inclusion

Membership in AQSG is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, political affiliation, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law.


Funding Statement

The American Quilt Study Group is an independent membership organization recognized as a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation. Membership dues, Seminar fees, charitable donations, and publication sales fund the corporation.



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Contact Us

General business is conducted through the AQSG office in Lincoln, Nebraska.

American Quilt Study Group
1610 L Street
Lincoln, NE 68508-2509

Phone: (402) 477-1181

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