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We love our volunteers

AQSG is a volunteer-powered organization, and our volunteers are very special people. We are always looking for enthusiastic members willing to pitch in! Members can serve on committees, volunteer to help at Seminar, manage social media, serve as research or publication mentors, lead special projects - the opportunities are endless.

We are also always seeking organizations, e.g., guilds, study groups, museums and others, interested in hosting or partnering to host an annual Seminar in your community.

Come join us!

Board of Directors


AQSG is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members.
Directors volunteer their service to manage the business and affairs of the non-profit corporation.
Any member with at least one full year of membership is eligible to stand for election to the Board. 
Directors serve a three-year term and are eligible for a second term.


2024 Board and Officers

Nancy Bavor, President - California

Debra Dahab, First Vice President - Nebraska

Sharon Pinka, Second Vice President - Ohio
Susan Jerome, Secretary - Connecticut
Kristin Barrus, Treasurer - Utah
Lisa Bouchard Hoe - New York
Jodi Bratch - Florida
Joanna Dermenjian - Canada

Lisa Erlandson - Texas
Mary Fons - Illinois
Millie Kehrli - Iowa

Tara Miller - Georgia

Colleen Pokorny - Iowa
A'donna Richardson - California
Selina Toedter - Pennsylvania

Publication Editors


Dr. Sharbreon Plummer, Editor - Uncoverings

Hallie Bond, Editor - Blanket Statements

Lisa Erlandson, Editor - Quilt Study Books




Carrie Dell, Executive Director

Becky Fisher, Operations Manager

Sponsors and Partners


We warmly thank our sponsors and partners for their generous support.



The Robert and Ardis James Foundation

The Mark and Ruth Ann Dunn Foundation


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